|  | Results 1-15 of about 3641 containing 'pembury' | |
- Pembury, The
Family-run bed-and-breakfast provides rooms with hair dryers, Sky TV, complimentary toiletries and central heating. Baby-sitting is available. www.4tourism.com/uk/hotels/pembury.html

- Pembury Village
Official Pembury Village News Web Site. Hosted by PBSS Translations www.pembury.org.uk

- Kent CollegeKent College Pembury
School for girls aged 3-11 in Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells.Independent girls' school in Pembury, Kent for day and boarding pupils age 3years to 18 years and divided into junior and senior school. Subject areas, admissions, overseas students, ... www.kent-college.co.uk

- Pembury Free Church
Pembury Free (Baptist) Church website www.geocities.com/pembury_free_church


- Pembury in the Past
Pembury is an attractive Kent village, near the spa town of Tunbridge Wells. It is easily accessible from the A21 London-Hastings trunk road and only 4 miles from Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge railway stations. pemburyorg.users.btopenworld.com/pembury.htm

- Pembury Village Hall
Pembury Village Hall Goto > > Index > > Pembury Village Hall Last updated 12 September 2002 Site created by Steve Morton. The information contained within is deemed to be accurate at the time of writing. pemburyorg.users.btopenworld.com/pemhall.htm

- The Official Pembury School Website
Pembury Primary School has 402 pupils aged from 5 to 11 years. We are located just outside Tunbridge Wells in Kent, the Garden of England. www.pembury.kent.sch.uk

- Pembury Village Life
Site created by Steve Morton. The information contained within is deemed to be accurate at the time of writing. [ Index ] [ Pembury Village News ] [ Pembury Village Life ] [ Pembury Village Hall ] [ Pembury Parish Council ] [ What's New ] www.pembury.org.uk/villagel.htm

- Independent Private Girls Boarding school England Uk Kent College Pembury
A dynamic and happy school with high academic standards, Kent College Pembury is an independent girls' day and boarding school with 550 students. The Junior School for ages 3-11 and the Senior School for ages 11-18 are situated on the same 75-acre s www.rmplc.co.uk/eduweb/sites/kentcoll

- Pembury Village News - Spring 2002
Site created by Steve Morton. The information contained within is deemed to be accurate at the time of writing. (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Steve Morton on www.pembury.org.uk/spring02.htm

- The Pembury, Gloucester, Gloucestershire
9 Pembury Road, St Barnabas, Gloucester Telephone: 01452 521856 Fax: 01452 303418 English Tourism Council 3 Diamonds The Pembury is a family run, licensed, detached house, where you can be assured of a warm welcome. www.4hotels.co.uk/uk/hotels/pembury.html

- Our page for Pembury has been moved
(Pembury - The ghost of Hawkwell) - VillageNet www.villagenet.co.uk/highweald/villages/pembury.html

- Pembury Tours are Port Elizabeth-based tour operators specialising in the Garden Route, Karoo and Eastern Cape.
Pe mbury Tours are Port Elizabeth-based tour operators specialising in the Garden Route, Karoo and Eastern Cape. www.backpackers.za.net/html/pembury.htm

- Pembury Tours are Port Elizabeth-based tour operators specialising in the Garden Route, Karoo and Eastern Cape.
What' s included in the tour price? The price of all our tours includes transport, a SATOUR-registered guide, and all entrance fees and excursions. www.backpackers.za.net/html/included.htm

 | Results 1-15 of about 3641 containing 'pembury' | | |
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