| Results 1-15 of about 187 containing 'private schools' | |
- National Independent Private Schools Association
Find out what the benefits are of joining this organization for private schools. Posts membership criteria and a code of ethics. www.nipsa.org

- National Private Schools Association Group
Find all there is to know about private schools at this directory. Lists institutions, resources, associations, and codes of ethics. www.npsag.com

- About - Private Schools
Review a listing of schools with Web sites worldwide and find resources for teachers, administrators, parents, and students. privateschool.about.com

- Web66 - Private Schools
Extensive index of private schools online, with links to independent schools' associations, and districts. web66.coled.umn.edu/Schools/Lists/Private.html

- National Association of Private Schools
Consortium of Christian educators and private-school administrators provides a manual, educational link, and an explanation of accreditation. www.rsts.net/naps

- Peterson's - Private Schools Channel
Peruse a database of over 1,400 private secondary schools. Includes programs for troubled and disabled teens. www.petersons.com/private

- American School Directory
Search for Web sites of over 100,000 K-12 schools in the United States by zip code, city, county, or state. Offers public, private, and parochial listings. www.asd.com

- Association of Boarding Schools, The
Federation of American and international schools provides information on 295 boarding schools in the United States, Canada, and overseas. www.schools.com

Nat'l Assoc. of Private Schools for Exceptional Children serves kids with special-learning needs. Visit schools and use a free referral service. www.napsec.com

- Private School Employment Network
Educators and administrators can search for job openings at private and independent school around the world. Consider the postings. www.privateschooljobs.com

- Catholic Education Network
Information on products, seminars and conferences. With school directory and online press releases. www.catholic.org/cen

- Independent School Management
Devoted to promoting the success of independent schools, this co. offers consulting, workshops, publications. Includes contacts. www.isminc.com

- Catholic Schools on the Net
Global directory of primary and secondary schools. Listed alphabetically by country, and then by name. www.microserve.net/~fabian/files/school.html

- Independent Schools Council
Comprehensive listing of independent day and boarding schools in the UK comes from the Independent Schools Information Service or ISCis. Get updated news. www.iscis.uk.net

- Boarding Schools & Summer Programs
Guide for international secondary school students provides program descriptions, snapshots of campus life, and contact details. www.studyusa.com/boarding

 | Results 1-15 of about 187 containing 'private schools' | | |
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