|  | Results 1-15 of about 31141 containing 'British boarding schools' | |
- British American Educational Foundation
BAEF offers American high-school students the chance to study a variety of subjects at British boarding schools before heading off to college. www.baef.org

- ISBI - Independent Schools, day, boarding & STABIS schools
Independent Schools, day, boarding & STABIS schools. Search all 3,200 independent and fee paying & residential special needs schools in the UK www.isbi.com

- Homepage
Willkommen auf den Seiten für Englische Internatsschulen. Bevor irgendwelche Missverständnisse entstehen, diese Seite ist kein Vermittlungsservice und auch nicht die Seite eines Vermittlungsservice. Wenn Sie nach einem solchen suchen, so können www.boarding-schools.de

- UK Boarding Schools Directory
Find the UK Boarding School that best suits your child. Private schools, co-ed schools, preparatory, secondary, International schools. www.boarding-schools.com

- Boarding Schools
Site includes a search engine and of each school listed. www.boardingschools.hobsons.com

- UK Boarding Schools
UK Boarding Schools A guide to UK Boarding Schools Are you are a Teacher, Parent, Governor or Student? Maybe you would like to contribute an article on life at Boarding School. Why study at a boarding school or college in the UK? www.boardingschools.org.uk

- Boarding Schools - Education - The British Council Russia
The British Council represents British Education at all levels and has a reputation for professionalism. We can offer parents a wide choice of all the independent schools in Britain... www.britishcouncil.ru/education/boarserv.htm

- Boarding Schools Mission to Moscow - Education - The British Council Russia
October 21-22, 2000 The British Council presents famous independent British schools in Moscow... www.britishcouncil.ru/education/boar2000.htm

- British Boarding Schools
British Boarding Schools________________________ www.englische-internate.de/ueber_bs.htm

- Children's British Boarding Schools, Education
The Way Forward If the pace of technological change over the past fifty years continues throughout the next fifty years, the effects of such change will be difficult if not impossible to comprehend from our present position. www.boarding-schools.com/articles/theway.html

- Welcome to the Girls' Schools Association - Independent girls schools, International schools, Schools for girls
The Girls Schools Association represents over 200 leading independent schools for girls in the UK and overseas, educating approximately 110,000 girls. www.girls-schools.org.uk

- Boarding Schools - Infoexch - The British Council Saudi Arabia
Boarding Schools www.britcoun.org/saudiarabia/infoexch/board.htm

- Boarding schools and colleges - Infoexch - The British Council Zimbabwe
Provides information on boarding scholls in the UK www.britishcouncil.org.zw/infoexch/zmbboard.htm

- British Public Schools
The Homeroom is a gateway to resources relating to the history of education and schools in British Columbia, Canada. www.mala.bc.ca/homeroom/Content/Schools/Private/Britps.htm

- BBC News | EDUCATION | Boarding schools tout for US pupils
Friday, 17 November, 2000, 00:42 GMT Boarding schools tout for US pupils Independent boarding schools are to try to recruit more pupils from the United States. news.bbc.co.uk/low/english/education/newsid_1026000/1026700.stm

 | Results 1-15 of about 31141 containing 'British boarding schools' | | |
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